Take me Lord by the waste side..lead me down the path of righteousness
guide me through what aims at my conduct..where I am judged according to
my transgression..keep me in faith and help me to remain the body and blood..
of Christ Jesus..where I read the scripture of my future as his child as well
as the nature of birth right..the time it takes to labor my abilities to
live his commandments..become worthy..the tablet of 12 disciplines according
to moses words written..I will place thee before me..on a mantelpiece..the sign
of the cross..where my soul claims victory as love..a heart strong..willing and
able to become..the laws of his universe..the stars,the moon and all the planets..the creation of God..the alpha..Omega..King of Kings..Lord of Lords..
stand by the holy bible..where I manifest his word..so help me God..THANK YOU..
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