Tuesday, April 29, 2008


While on my way to captivity..a sudden urge comes over me..to grab da chance to feel free..so i disguised myself...worn a white sheet...with thorns on my feet....above me..was a face with long hair...which covered my image...so that no one would know who iam...i walked the streets with coral and beans...the color of black...red and green..to represent...a liberated person...although
once...my hands and throat...gave me away...an observer spoke...in a crowd of on lookers...they seem so strange at first..until...my dress apparell showed me..i was like them...they never made comments...they never discredited my affliation...they just saw...a man with shoes..made out of
thorns...wearing white..long sheet..with long hair...but no friends...so by being curious as i am...i asked da Question...are you someone other than man himself...i replied...the earth talks to the son...the moon and the stars...where i come from...i am what you see...two ways 2 become many
colors...where life lost it's majority of people...with no variety to cast a shadow of quantity...leaves me..the clothes..witness my sanity...my guilt...my lonliness...wanting 2 b left without your closure....where da mind equals...more than one being...where God..plants it's seed...grows in population...millions will know...when i'll be da answer to...one more chance..saving others from
witnessing themselves held in bondage...forsaken love..honor...where conscience forgets..2b as one...forming a line of generations...burned from da stake...i am tired...have takin long walks...warned my people....but they have no sound..but wanna be heard..now it's my turn...i shall
wear my ways on their shoulders...signal da outcries of slaughter...help bring order..on my journey to..colors...what has been mention...help my country...my land...my world...the whole universe...rise up and be counted...correct this system of hatred and injustice for africans americans...follow your heart....believe..when your soul finds a friend...mating season comes home...where paridise lost it's way..where we rest assure...living had it's chance...made it's decision....am i GOD..U DECIDE...peace


M. said...

I like the sentiment, the idea. However the spacing makes it a bit hard to follow.

Maybe however that's your thing, how it flows from you, so if I'm tampering with your outlet pay me no heed. Be what makes you the you.

Create said...

your comments are much appreciated..the concept to follow is this...i saw a man..we shall call a wanderer... finds a plan to keep separation from being spaced as u mention..the point taken is a world with no collaboration or love for their follow man..2 live as one..where God has himself ..b the observer..while his message is clear...life..da color..red black and green liberates..who god's messenger... a black man... wearing a white robe...thorns and sandals..like jesus wore before his demise..da end times sends black moses...where it states...what's last shall be first and visa..versa...u got lost..it happens sometimes with literature...hope i was able to clarify direction...peace