Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Man Killed, Another Wounded in Brooklyn Shooting: NYPD | NBC New York

Man Killed, Another Wounded in Brooklyn Shooting: NYPD | NBC New York


1 comment:

Create said...

this was my Nephew, who i loved dearly,he was 43 and had all the years of living, breathing, knowing what Love means, he was Sweet, kind and very concern for life, how it should be, giving advance,aiding n abiding his heart, what was in the right place, who left behind 2 sons, brothers n a sister..Mother , whose been ill , sometime now, i ask that life remains his memories, where family was his main principles of learning, where i am , So are YOU...and who u are, i have become..God's Image, What will always live, Jordan we will never forget, You u are w.familly in H E A V E N, ur grandma, grandad, plus ur own father, who was an sickle cell patient, hard working, who had the smae instinct, Family unity...comforts matter how difficult life ,wanna Act up, God be the Glory..he is in good hands, amen...muah..Uantie Sheila...Create...