Monday, October 18, 2010

the eyes of love/ Gods

Where does one search
in times of hope...
strength..what gives itself
throughout all that knows many days
of & desire..what
steps up to the plate..when all fails you..
wears ur heart deep..sleeps
on vision..where ur direction
walks a trial of error ..leads u to a world
of drama..ur function in life
wants so much to live God..but the devil
commence to decide where u go..
without a change of heart..what keeps
u down..feeling low & challenged..
what hurts ur mind..soul..unbalanced
what strips u as it's plague..time and
time matter how this touches
ur body..the sense of knowing Jesus
will guide u through whatever
stands to reveal it's powers at will..ur soul
meets it'sdaily bread..wakes u with a
verse to read..a clock that ticks..a heart
that speaks..I am the wisdom
to know the truth ..i am the book it speaks..
i am the rock..his child ..a calm
meek and humble man/woman..the God..
who can do all things..strenghtens
me..beyond life itself..the protector..knowledge..
without..I can't go on..
where Life Grieves a sign for help..
I be the one waiting on HIM..Amen
a reading for a dear friend..I still Love You

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