Saturday, October 2, 2010


as a human being..
must extend ur hearts to
the LORD
whats opens his arms..
grabs ur body..mind & spirit
what reaches the inner most part..
wears u ..comforts who
clings close, fits like a like drum..
what handles ur days
long..ur nights in slumber calm..
where rest
what unites it's walk through the ages..
strong..missing no
message he brings.. calling,God
leads me..his precious grace of approval..
from the highest the shores
of widsom..feeding a break through,
believes, reading the
Kingdom..prepares it's future..
lives biblically a Christan, a
soul honored..feeling connected..
worthy..time spent saved
in this life..I am ur sheperd..human..
virtuely holding the covenant
everything that cries 4
healing..GOD is peace all through
my writing..greets a sign of
empty..provides..keeps me so enlighten..
restores my heart
from pain ..praise him for his guidance..
where I am a Dove
in flight.. a VERSE..spoken ..a walk with Jesus..
what meets up
in prayer..Heaven that holds a place
for those who say..thank u
everything will be alright..
so help me..amen...CREATE..Sheila..

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