Wednesday, December 29, 2010

cws812je -

This who am on bp..a spiritual

I am here for
spiritual connections..
if ur heart is able..
love is unconditional..
Joy unsurpasses
all and everything..BEAUTIFUL..
ask and you shall recieve..
the Gifts in Life ..he brings..your days will
look ..smiling..paving the way to everlasting wisdom..
understanding & Peace..from ur O'mighty
King..Father...GOD..who knows what u are...
who u are and How ur life transcends..Believe and he
shall Keep u among his righteous Circle of humbleness..
Where Jesus is ours always and forever..amen...
Create..WELCOME!!!..b blessed

POETRY IN MOTION; The Gift I adquired..
I thank G O D..amen

When you discover,
ur wisdom ..
A process of using
ur mind, capable of
being the masterplan,
search ur souls awareness
find the truth,,how
life wil become..
what leads you
through all understanding
and proclaims ..Victory..
reassuring..It WIll..
shall bring 2 Pass..The truth..
what's in YOU..Create"

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